Gavin Mounsey
12 min readFeb 25, 2017

Cutting the Puppet Masters’ Strings

Do you seek to rid this world of the parasitic cabal that is a transnational banking cartel / racketeering organization which brings so much death, destruction and suffering to Humanity and our fellow beings on Earth?

The most effective and lasting solution may not be what most people would think.

First, a note on whether ‘ignorance is bliss’ or not. Given that we do have actionable intelligence, viable solutions (at every scale) at our disposal and our actions (or lack of action) now will shape the type of lives that future generations live, I feel that we cannot in good conscience choose to remain ignorant, comply with tyranny (so we can go “back to normal”) or keep our head down and go on with ‘business as usual’.

Do not allow the fear based disempowering propaganda to fool you into complacency. Despite the existence of a monolithic parasitic empire (orchestrated by a small group of people) that aligns itself against the majority of humanity, each individual possesses the ability to affect real change through their daily actions. I mean measurable, observable, significant change.

It’s important to keep in mind that these “puppet masters” do not have a self-sustaining mode of staying in power. They only remain in power and able to brain wash soldiers, bribe/threaten politicians, initiate false flag operations (like what they are doing with Covid 19) and wage wars of aggression as long as we keep giving them the energy to do so. They are much like parasites in the sense that without a larger organism (humanity) constantly feeding into them, their systems of violent oppression, domination, and psychological warfare would shrivel up and die. In the case of this particular transnational racketeering cartel, their main modes of keeping a grip on the world economy (and by extension all other aspects of modern society) is through financial fraud, pharmaceutical tyranny and the dependence of the many on the oil industry. The burning of fossil fuels to power our civilization is an obsolete form of energy production. It’s usage around the world as the “only viable option” is artificially perpetuated by individuals that benefit from keeping the majority of mankind living in poverty, so they can live a life of luxury.

The oil industry is in it’s last days as “new” technology that allows for the wireless transmission of electricity and wireless charging of electrical devices is entering the open market. This will eventually enable people to access the energy they need for their households, gadgets, and even cars to operate without having to pay a monthly bill to the Cabal’s (aka Mr.Global) subsidiary energy corporations.

This Cabal (aka “Mr.Global”) is desperately trying to prolong its own existence (an existence dependent upon, lies, division, disparity, desperation, competition, conflict, fear, ignorance and the dependence of humanity on its parasitic systems). This most recent psychological warfare operation (involving “covid-19”) is just the latest expression of their desperation to keep control, to prop up (and eventually replace) their frail and hollow fiat money system via fear propaganda.

Unfortunately for them (but fortunately for the Earth and the vast majority of humanity) they cannot keep up their game indefinitely. Their lack of connection to the divine (higher realms of consciousness) is their most critical weakness and must be fully exploited if we are to succeed in foiling their plans. Dependence on finite resources to prop up their empire is another weakness and our ability to vote with our dollar is connected to that and enables each person to play an important role. Much of the Cabal’s influence and power is derived from their domination of the world of finance through the printing of fiat money and the forcing of much of the world to deal in that debt based currency. Many nations were beginning to refuse to use that form of money, and were breaking ranks, which was significantly weakening the grip of the banking cartels on the global economy (until they used this engineered “pandemic” as a tool for stampeding people back into their debt traps).

Despite the fact that The Bank Of Canada, The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, Sveriges Riksbank and the Swiss National Bank are giving indications of an intent to move us towards a new kind of debt/digital slavery (a cashless centralized trackable digital money system under the umbrella authority of the Bank for International Settlements) we can still refuse to partake and instead feed our time and energy into reinforcing localized economic prosperity (creating pockets of immunity and symbiotic resilience as an antidote to the tyranny they are planning on using covid 19 to roll out).

We can sabotage their attempt at a fast track to tyranny in each of our communities through setting up decentralized systems that give back to and tap into ‘natural capital’ (ecologically grounded investments with reciprocal returns for all involved). The oligarchs are attempting to use Covid 19 as a means to convince people that further centralization and consolidation of authority/monetary policy is a good idea through fear. We can be the antidote to that poison by showing people how peaceful confidence attained via decentralized food production and energy production is a path to prosperity, good health, resilience and lasting happiness and lead by example.

Without their parasitic grip into our local economies they would begin to have less and less funding mechanisms for their massively expensive military, psychological warfare, counter intelligence and black ops programs which they have used to suppress the truth and stifle dissent. There is also currently a huge movement on a grass roots level worldwide to get off the grid (via “conventional” means) not only for the energy needs of the household, but for food as well. As more and more people are planting their own gardens and putting up solar panels (and other clean decentralized energy technologies) this is further weakening the infrastructure of the cabal (which is based upon the dependence of the many). The Cabal is now putting all it’s effort into putting up a “scary front” to keep the herd complacent, but much of the strength it once had is no more (aside from a few high-tech nasty tricks they may have up their sleeve located at certain strategic. installations/platforms) their show is in essence at this point nothing more than a “scare-crow” tactic. Do not misunderstand me and think that I am unaware of the fierce and nefarious technologies at the disposal of the oligarchs, I know their capabilities, I just also know that there are dynamics in play and certain forms of momentum moving in ways that are beyond the influence of the Cabal (aka “Mr.Global”) and it is up to each of us to decide whether or not we will align with that momentum through our daily actions to accelerate the process of dissolving the corrupt empire that has built up around us, so we can plant the seeds for something new to grow in it’s place.

As much as I sometimes wish this corrupt system would be forced to come crashing down by an uprising and the punishing of those responsible for their crimes against humanity, the truth is violent uprisings/revolutions can be usurped, co-opted and managed by the cabal and have been all throughout human history. They know violence and turbulence well as they are some of the elite`s tools of choice.

Having observed these misanthropic families (and their subsidiary systems of oppression) on earth for a very long time I have come to understand the way to get rid of them is not by attempting to kill them. After all, even if someone did succeed at doing that, it would only be killing some people not ridding the world of a massive global parasitic empire which feeds on fear and violence. The people in the echelons of that system are merely those who have been indoctrinated into and contributed towards building/maintaining that empire, they are not the reason such a system can exist on earth. Therefore, killing the people would only create a vacuum within that empire, that would in time be filled by other humans suffering from the same ego dis-ease and mental instability that the original puppet masters suffered from. In order to permanently rid the world of this type of individual you have to create an environment where psychopathic and parasitic individuals and the systems which they create cannot flourish. The key is found not in openly attacking them with violence but rather in leaving them behind by rendering their parasitic systems obsolete and unable to draw strength from us.

The puppet masters may know violence and chaos well, but what they don’t know well is love, inner peace and how to deal with people who break from dependence on their centralized systems. The Cabal (aka “Mr.Global”) is defenseless against those things and it is the people who are embodying those things inwardly and outwardly who are becoming part of the lasting solution to dissolve the corrupt systems and illuminate the true nature the architects of this “fear-ego matrix”. Like in nature when a tree over time has become rotten on the inside (though it may still obscure the sun) its roots no longer draw strength, so too there will come a day when the system in place will fall under its own weight. It’s up to those of us who know this, to quicken this collapsing by not feeding into the parasitic system that still “obscures the sun” for so many. Through becoming self-sufficient and emanating the energy fields of love and peace, we are preparing the soil for the seeds of a new civilization. This new civilization will be based in peace, love, kindness, integrity and compassion and will take hold after the parasitic system falls. Those who cling to that old system (which also includes those who choose to hold onto anger and resentment towards your their fellow beings) will have the roughest time but will need to adapt if they wish to thrive in what is to come. They will be confronted by the shadows they held within all at once instead of being able to heal and cleanse over time like some are consciously choosing to do now. This would be quite an unpleasant experience for them but it all comes down to choice.

While it is true that fascistic censorship of pertinent scientific data runs rampant on the internet, the consolidation of wealth into the hands of a tiny minority has exponentially accelerated in the past year, propaganda is being prolifically disseminated through news media, “entertainment” programs, the government and all over the internet, lockdowns are forcing/intimidating many to live in stagnant ‘bubbles’ (which is crippling their innate immunity and health through atrophy on many levels) and forcing countless small businesses to go bankrupt, the central banks are pushing for a “cashless” globally centralized economy and our national governments (working in collaboration with trans-national corporations) are positioning themselves to exert pressure on countless millions to take a dangerous experimental ‘vaccine’ (made for profit and funded by mentally unhinged psychotic humans) it is also true that truth, moral courage and love will prevail in the end.

Do not despair my friends, the night is always darkest right before the dawn and these behavior patterns I described above are those of mentally unstable humans desperate to maintain their crumbling empire. Even if they stop us from boarding planes, going to concerts, shopping at local stores (or perhaps even block the highways) we will never submit to their intended tyranny over our bodies.

We will peacefully and joyfully resist their desperate move to justify the existence of their corrupt empire through creating regenerative oasis’s in each of the communities where we live. We will accomplish this through planting regenerative gardens, creating natural medicines with plants/fungi, creating regenerative initiatives (that offer outreach programs to help the young and vulnerable in our communities find their footing) setting up “food is free project(s)”, “seeds are free projects”, helping each other through challenging times through compassion, kindness, understanding, love, collaboration, symbiosis and moral courage. We will show the oligarchs that we can thrive and exist in peaceful symbiosis with Mother Earth, each other and our fellow non-human beings without their corporations and corrupt degenerative government systems.

We will create such abundance and emergent resilience that it will spill over into the neighborhoods and communities around us, sending ripples out that shift the tide from fear to hope and render their toxic centralized systems of dependence and oppression obsolete to one day leave them behind.

In order to see a new civilization and way of living take hold and begin to become the norm we must cut our ties to the old ways and begin to live a new way. We must remember what our ancestors were wise enough to understand and forge a close knit relationship with the land we live on. Mother Earth can provide us food, medicine and wisdom on our path to create a brighter future. And it can begin with something as simple as humility and a handful of seeds.
Riots and violence will get us no-where. Nor will writing a letter to your so called elected officials. The truth is your so called elected officials have less influence than the CEOs of transnational corporations and violent uprisings/revolutions can be usurped, co-opted, and managed by the cabal (the transnational central banking/pharmaceutical/oil racketeering cartel) and have been all throughout human history. They know violence and turbulence well as they are some of the elite`s tools of choice.

It is for times such as these that Gandhi used Satyagraha — the force of truth to resist unjust laws and empires peacefully and non violently. In nature one of her most innate truths and constants is her irrepressible capacity for regeneration. We can align with this innate facet of the living planet that sustains us and become irrepressible as well.

We can choose to be the living embodiment of truth and agents of the regenerative capacity of Mother Earth in each of our communities.
We can plant the seeds for abundance, health and hope. We can plant these seeds with our hands and our hearts. We can do this one regenerative garden and one regenerative community at a time.

It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants and usher in the age of self governed and self reliant human beings which collaborate of their own free will to leave this world a little more beautiful than it was before.

We know who and what we are and more and more discover each day. More and more wake up to their divine birthright to shape the world and shared reality that we experience through our perspective, choices, actions and thoughts, prayers, emotion and the energy we embody and emit. We are in the process of creating a new consensus reality on earth which no longer fosters nor permits individuals engaging in the violation of others for selfish gain.

Now is the time to reaffirm our alliances with the living Earth, to nurture new symbiotic relationships with the soil, people, plants and fungi in our local communities. Human empires rise and fall, and history teaches us that when they fall, it is those that know how to grow/forage for their own food, medicine and preserve it that survived. I will be focusing on these efforts locally and helping those at a distance to do the same.

We can create oasis’s of health, resilience, and abundance in each of our communities.. we can become the solution, break from dependence on centralized systems and help others to do the same. It begins with the soil and the seeds.. and it evolves into nurturing symbiotic connections with those we share our communities with.

I am working publishing my own little contribution towards helping people to be able to nurture symbiotic relationships, feed themselves and create resilient communities but there are many books that can help empower people towards those ends that contain more specialized forms of knowledge than I could fit into my book (some of those books are shown in the image below.)

Some of the books I was reading as I wrote Recipes For Reciprocity.

You can learn more about my upcoming book and pre-order a copy here:

If you are reading this, than you are in a very unique position indeed. You are among those who are aware that these are the most profoundly important times to be alive on the earth. You can sit back and enjoy your front row seat or you can choose to be an active participant in bringing about an unprecedented shift into a new paradigm for humanity. This new paradigm will mirror what we have all sought for so long on earth… Peace, Truth, Unity, Joy, and Abundance. You are in the position to become one of those who helps to plant the seeds for this new civilization on earth, a civilization that will transcend all the perceived limitations of the past.

Each of us can embody the medicine the land and our communities need to survive and thrive though the tough times ahead. Mother Earth has her arms outstretched and hands open inviting us to embrace her as our ancestors did to find strength and grace in challenging times through reciprocity and symbiosis.

Gavin Mounsey
Gavin Mounsey

Written by Gavin Mounsey

Living from the heart and nourishing the living planet that sustains us .. a candle and a mirror.

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