Dispelling the Most Detrimental Myth in Modern Western Civilization
In the following I have chosen to elaborate on my past reflections and responses to the most widespread accepted myth existing today, one that is both detrimental and hindering to the advancement of humanity as a species… and that is the myth that our consciousness is nothing more than a bi-product of our physiology. To that end I will share realizations and understandings that are helping me move past that myth and rely more and more on my higher self as I am unfolding on this continuous journey we call life.
Our most modern particle physics experiments have repeatedly shown that the observer has a profound and measurable effect on matter. This indicates that the thoughts, feelings and intents we hold in our mind and heart are expressed energetically outside the body. Scientific instruments are now able to measure their effect on the world around us as well as people in the world. They’re representative of much more than just a combination of molecular bio-chemical reactions and electromagnetic discharges isolated to the biology of the brain. This effect is repeatedly observable in laboratories.
I was a very science minded person growing up and still am to a degree but I have had my fundamental worldview challenged, by major realizations about aspects of a larger reality and came to understand the nature of consciousness as well as my own being through a curiosity with a meditation technique (which has its roots in India). This kind of “mental coherence training” aka meditation was used in a large scale social experiment in 1993 in Washington DC.
Based on previous experiments and data, the project’s researchers publicly predicted that the coherence group would reduce violent crime by 20%. This prediction had been ridiculed by the Chief of Police who asserted that the only thing that would decrease violent crime that much would be 20 inches of snow. In the end, the maximum decrease was 23.3%. This significant reduction occurred when the size of the group was at its largest in the final week of the project and during a blistering heat wave. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p< .000000002). This was a carefully controlled scientific demonstration which challenges the presumption of the paradigm of thought that sees matter and the world around us as static and unaffected by what thoughts or emotions we hold in our heart. I would suggest this experiment indicates that it is time as individuals to begin looking inward, to sense what it really means to be a Conscious Being and to begin to understand the part of our self that exists beyond matter and time reconnecting with the spark of awareness within self that is one with everyone and everything in the universe.
So while the principles of our current scientific paradigm may have gotten us thus far, in many cases they have become full of arrogance and make up the walls of a glass box we have built around ourselves, preventing us from reaching out to grasp a greater understanding of the multi-verse we live in. In order to move science in the direction of a grander truth about reality, would we not have to take a step back to enable an honest look at what other inaccurate presumptions our scientific models have made about the nature of consciousness and the universe around us? Let us embrace a kind of cosmic humility as we explore inwardly unveiling directly perceived truths and understandings about existence that our physical instruments and material methods could not touch.
Science is the system of thought which explores this universe through the amazing capacities of the human brain, a bio-mechanical electromagnetic computer, the operating system for the most advanced machine known to exist in the universe, the human body. While this brain may be exceptionally well versed at utilizing intellect to navigate and perceive this 3 dimensional plane of time and matter (through the 5 senses) it cannot perceive that which exists beyond. There in lies the limitation of the science of our current paradigm’s ability to truly understand the nature of the universe and existence.
What I have come to understand is that we live in a multi-dimensional universe, where a part of our self is currently experiencing this third dimension, inhabiting a planet called earth. This experience we are having as a human being does not represent the entirety of our being. We exist on a higher dimensional plane then we come into these amazing bodies (bio-mechanical electromagnetic molecular machines) and operate these “vehicles” to engage in ‘life on earth’. We explore the rich depths of human emotion, savor the unique poetry in sounds, colors, tastes, aromas, and sensations of the senses. Our path sometimes delves into the illusions of fear due to the proclivity of the ego to accept that manifestation of the mind which is prevalent on earth.
We share and co-create with others who have chosen to be part of this human experience, sometimes acting as mirrors to each other, illuminating parts of ourselves and enriching our eternal spirit. So in order to embrace a deeper understanding of the universe and existence beyond the physical, we must learn to explore in stillness ( deeper than thought) into the heart, where we can learn to know our spirit, the one that operates these vehicles, the one whose experience and awareness reaches beyond time and beyond this physical universe to home.
Some people when they hear the word “Spirit” or even the word “consciousness” think religion, and that’s understandable considering religious institutions have claimed for millennia that they are the ‘celestial middle men’ that can sell you a ticket to connect with that which is beyond the physical. Theoretically religion is supposed to be a medium for knowing and connecting with the non-physical, ‘the mystery’, ‘the divine’, or “Spirit”. Unfortunately, it rarely serves that purpose and most of the time it ends up driving a wedge between the individual and that cosmic knowing, that spiritual awareness, that inner light. Religious belief systems have become tools used by individuals who covet power and manipulation to control the global population and. create complacency as well as to shape a limited world view, inflate egos, as to enable them to direct many of the working class into conflicts ‘wars’ for profit. Belief systems that promote guilt, fear, ego and a pretentious sense of being more important or ‘more blessed’ than other people or other forms of life, are belief systems that are dis-empowering and not based in truth. When we take a look around at the world today those are the characteristics of most mainstream religious institutions. The core principals of a given religious belief system may have some value to an individual seeking to better him/herself, but the institutions as a whole have been infiltrated and corrupted by humans operating in the ego, feeding their greed and want of power over others.
But religion isn’t alone in its dogmatic assertions; there are those for whom science is their religion. They are those who like to think humanity has come a long way, that science is now rock solid and all-encompassing. However, we must be vigilant to not allow ourselves to grow complacent, to stagnate in the idea that we are at some pinnacle of understanding, for this is a kind of dogma of its own. Those who profess to call themselves champions of science and yet refuse to accept the possibility that even the most fundamental ‘cornerstone’ concepts of our current scientific model could be wrong or need improving, are no better than those spewing falsehoods in the religious institutions.
Many of the so called brightest people in the world of science today operate in that kind of arrogant stubbornness and therefore no longer are involved in the pursuit of true science. There are, however, areas of science that are beginning to understand the relationship between the higher dimensions and this physical dimension. They are emerging areas of research related to the reality of consciousness/spirit not being bound or produced by mechanisms in this physical third density but rather being native to other dimensions beyond our time/space dimension. These new pioneering areas of science are beginning to see how this ‘Multi- dimensional universe’ is a lot more complex and beautiful than we could have ever imagined. It is not the science that is being taught in the mainstream schools or shown on television because the true science threatens the status quo but it is nevertheless being pursued by brave souls who are paving the way for a new paradigm of understanding to come about on earth.
Modern science tells that there are aspects of this universe that are very real and yet cannot be perceived with our five senses. There are things that are all around us ( microbial life, higher octaves of light, gamma and ultra-violent rays, and frequencies of sound and vibration) beyond the spectrum that humans can detect. A few hundred years ago, if you told someone that in a cup of pond water there are multitudes of strange lifeforms taking many shapes smaller than the eye can see, they would have thought you were “crazy”. A few hundred years before that, science thought the world was flat. So the idea that the science of today cannot or will not acknowledge the reality of our spirit or “consciousness” isn’t really that surprising.
On my journey I have learned and now understand that this human experience is about a marriage of “spirit” (non-temporal higher dimensional consciousness) with the physical. The relationship is mutually beneficial, a kind of cosmic symbiosis. We come to inhabit these magnificent bodies as they allow us to navigate through the 3rd dimension and experience its beauty through the 5 senses. And the benefit to the physical human being, is we open up gateways to joy and peace unattainable by the ‘ego’ and its body alone, windows into higher complexity and richness of creativity as well as the deep serenity and bliss that comes from the Love we imbue into these lives on earth. The brain is the operating system for these advanced molecular machines (human bodies) that we use to explore and interact on this physical plane. The brain is a bio-chemical electromagnetic computer capable of interpreting and synthesizing our experiences on this plane and storing memories that are painted with the rich spectrum of human emotion. Although this advanced computer can create abstract thoughts, images, along with other sensations, put them into action and is even capable of self-awareness, but it does not represent the essence of who and what we are.
There is no reason why true science cannot ‘dance’ with spiritual awareness. Having an understanding of and curiosity about the complexity and potential of the human brain and body does not have to conflict with the acknowledgment of spirit/consciousness that becomes innately known when one chooses to goes inward through meditation and stillness of mind. The only conflict that could arise would be in accepting what mainstream science says about spirit/consciousness and then also trying to explore inwardly.
When one is able to let their thoughts calm down to the point where they are in a state without thoughts, they enter a state that is just the awareness of their own Being. This glow, deep in your core, that Is present without thought… this life force you sense deeper than thought and before thought, is your spirit. Once you can enter into stillness and directly perceive that conscious spark that radiates from your core (before thought) that essence of self that is not limited by space or time, you will know that part of yourself that was in existence long before you came into this life and will be long after this life is over. From there, the question ceases to be, which ‘interpretation’ to choose, and becomes, If the current scientific models don’t allow for the existence of my spirit/consciousness which I know to be fact, how do they need to be improved upon, to encompass this new realm of science and understanding?
In order to break from the old paradigm and shape a new one we need to stop seeking outside of ourselves and look inward. As each of us become reacquainted with the part of our selves that existed before we came into these bodies (and will continue to exist long after) we move into an awareness that involves self awareness and intuitive discernment.
This is the realization/state of being that when embraced by enough people, can be the catalyst for rendering the current system on earth obsolete and planting the seeds for a future of peace, abundance, and equality for all mankind. For through living and embodying that knowing, each time as we look into the eyes of another human being, we don’t see a Canadian, or Brazilian, a black person or a white person, or any other arbitrary programmed label based on appearance, geography, or any kind of sectarian differences. We just see a human being. A being that carries the same spark of divinity that we know shines brightly in our own core. With this knowing, and the common ground that such a realization and truth bridges between us, “the corporate parasites” that currently thrive on this world would no longer be able to survive. Greed and fear would have no place in the midst of those who understand who and what we truly are, and so, people would not be swayed by those manifestations of the brain nor the illusions of the ego.
The sickness of the mind that is greed and lust for power is a symptom of a society of humans who have forgotten who and what they truly are. Indeed when an individual has truly taken the time to go inward and know their eternal spiritual self they no longer are aligned with greed, nationalism, patriotism nor are they controlling or psychopathic. They have surrendered to their higher-self. Unfortunately, our modern materialistic and fallacious scientific paradigm which teaches that we are molecular machines (that through biochemical electromagnetic functions produce consciousness and self-awareness) created by nothing more than a rare cosmic accident, is one of the main sources for the toxic behavior on earth. As long as people inaccurately view their consciousness as nothing more than a phenomenon produced by their biology, they will live in fear of the perceived finality of death (a misunderstood process). This fear of death leads them to be motivated by primal desires, including seeking out many unhealthy distractions such as material wealth and power.
To concede to the wants and motivations of the ego and be driven by these mechanistic, animalistic, primal thoughts and desires, leads us in circles reaching and striving to get to some destination or pinnacle that even if we arrive at, will leave us feeling unfulfilled. Many will experience this over and over, until they decide to reach deep enough inside of themselves to have the courage to discover who they truly are give over the reins to their true self, allowing it to show them something new. This kind of surrender takes immense courage, especially for science minded people. So it is a path seldom taken in the western world, but it is the one simple single most important thing any person can do because it means they can no longer be manipulated by anything external (cabal or otherwise). Moreover, it is the single most important thing we can teach/give our children. If we guide them to look inward, as they grow up they will serve as the spiritual antidote for this world which is currently infected by a rampant ego-disease of the mind.
It takes immense courage to let go of the illusion of control and truly surrender to the moment so that one’s ego can take the back seat, digging deep to turn the inner eye into the depths of one’s own being, allowing our perception and journey to be shaped from our eternal self. Our modern society on earth programs us to think things through and rely on intellectual prowess for favorable results but neither of those things can help us to know the part of our self that existed long before we came into these bodies and that will continue to exist long after these human bodies cease to function.
One of the most effective methods to become reacquainted with one’s soul is finding a path of inward exploration that resonates with one’s individual being (not an ideology, nor religion) but a path one sculpts for one’s self inwardly, with their heart as their compass. On my own path to become reacquainted with my higher self I have found that three ‘core pillars’ which are very helpful tools for aligning my energy and awareness with a higher dimensional knowing. These three things are, gratitude, self-love, and being involved in the nurturing of life, (in my case caring for plants, helping them to achieve their highest potential).
As as was demonstrated by the experiment in Washington, D.C. which was described above, when we hold love in our hearts, this is emitting an energy field that reaches far beyond the limits of our physical body, and is overlapping with the conscious minds and hearts of others. Scientists call this the morphogenetic field.
When you hold love and joy in your heart you are literally being a beacon of peace by sending our measurable ripple effects on the consciousness of those you share this world with.
Moving past the limitations of the human brain involves stilling the mind, and emptying it of thoughts… in this inner stillness…through becoming aware of one’s heartspace (and allowing it to act as “an organ of perception”) it allows for the direct perception of the essence of self that originates from a higher realm of consciousness. In going inward and allowing/surrendering without thought or judgement we begin to form a bridge between our earthly self and the eternal self which is always in direct connection to the being who is the Source of consciousness and all that exists in this universe. From this state of awareness, and with a clear intent sent from the heart, anyone thing that is wished to be understood is instantly understood. Many cultures have spoken of this instantaneous knowing in concepts such as the Akashic records and Collective consciousness. It is an awareness that is attainable to anyone who takes the path inward and does the work of weeding the garden of the mind so that there may be space for light to shine down and for the planting of the seeds of a knowing that reaches beyond any awareness born of the human brain. In this connecting to one’s higher self (or “spirit”) we can access knowledge that our three dimensional ego-self is not able to attain on its own. It is an awareness that is beyond intellect, for it comes from allowing a higher dimensional awareness to be available to our conscious awareness here on earth.
Making the choice to go inward and allow our spirit to take the drivers seat is the single most profoundly beneficial and meaningful action one can take to experience a fulfilling life on earth. For not only does inward stillness, exploration and coming to know your eternal self inevitably invoke beautiful realizations and knowledge, it helps one to attain a kind of lasting inner peace, joy, and knowing not attainable through any amount of outside stimuli, whether that stimuli be “education”, religious belief, material wealth, or even intimate connections with other humans. From this perspective we can move forward not purely for the sake of a benefit to ourselves as individuals, but towards a new path where the evolutionary process is consciously determined from within each of us to enrich the collective of which we are an intrinsic part. The transformation begins with each one individual, inside out.